Weaverville Fire Department Support Services
Meeting February 5, 2014 5:30 p.m.
125 Bremer Street
I. Call to Order/Introductions: Called to order by President, Tina Scott at 5:35 p.m. Officers present: President Tina Scott, Vice President Bonnie Miller, Secretary Lisa Guglielmina, Treasurer Marjie Watkins, and Logistics Tania Alvord. Officers Absent: None. Members and guests present: Elizabeth Horrocks for Larry Horrocks, Herk Emmons, Bonnie Emmons, Bob Miller, Larry Guglielmina, Briana Gaulke, Shellie Cato, Ted Pierce, Serena Brown, Larry Brown, Jeremy McBrayer, Ernie Curran, Terri McBrayer, and Scott Alvord.
II. Approve Minutes of January 8, 2014: MSC B. Watkins/Guglielmina, Larry to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2014 meeting as presented.
III. Reports:
A. Treasurer: Marjie reported on expenditures at $559.39. Short discussion on a petty cash fund for Support Services in the amount of $500.00, to be managed by Lisa G. due to convenience.
B. Events: A recorded list of events members of the Support Services have participated in was read by Tina. Discussion on needing help from more members with the monthly dinners.
IV. Action Items:
A. T-Shirts (Tina) – Tina presented the Support Services T-shirts and thanked the Department for purchasing them.
B. Fund Raisers (Lisa) - Lisa suggested planning a fund raiser or (community) event, large or small each month, to get the Support Group out in the public more. Discussion on some members not supportive of any more fund raisers; letter, and 2 rose sales is enough; was concerned the public would not support more fund raisers. The Support Group was formed to support the firefighters not be another auxiliary fund raiser group. Marjie suggested bringing back the Bingo as a fund raiser; all in favor of that, Marjie will coordinate with Vicki Wilson. Discussion on helping other organizations out with their fund raising or community services; all in favor of helping the Golden Age Center with the Thanksgiving event. Lisa will continue to publish in the paper every opportunity to get the Department’s name in the community; welcomed anyone who had input.
C. St Patrick’s Day Fundraiser (Lisa) – (discussed in item B) A fund raiser idea was presented by Lisa for St. Patrick’s Day; some members not in favor, item dismissed.
D. Valentine’s Day Roses (Lisa) – Lisa was informed that the Valentine’s Day roses will arrive on Wednesday instead of Thursday, would need workers on Wednesday around 10:00 a.m. to start the process. As far as the workers already scheduled for Thursday, they will be informed if not needed. It was suggested to keep them scheduled just in case. Linda Maddox will be supervising the preparations of the roses.
V. Unit Reports:
A. Logistics: (Tania) – No report.
B. EMS Support (Serena) – Serena reported that a check-off sheet is in progress for the EMS bags; will start bags soon.
C. Maintenance (Bonnie M) – Bonnie suggested getting started on the planter areas clean-up. Short discussion on Garden Club coming in and doing it.
D. Technology- No report
E. Public Events/Education (Lisa) – Mike McMillan continues to up-date the web site with current events. Ted spoke of Tina, Lisa and himself meeting with Wayne from the Trinity Journal for a Fire Department article. The article can only have 500 words or less, he suggested input from anyone who would like to add to the article. It was mentioned to send it to the web site in addition to the paper. It was suggested by Tania to have an area on the web site called “Abby’s Corner” with a picture of Abby and the same information that is published in the Trinity Journal news article headed up by Ted. Lisa had spoken to Mike McMillan regarding other info and Mike is more than willing to do anything we ask, so no problem foreseen to post “Abby’s Corner” on the web. All members in favor. MSC Cato/Miller to have “Abby’s Corner” as the Support Group’s web site article.
VI. Open Forum – Tina spoke on muster practice. Short discussion on difficulty due to fire season. Scott will be doing a presentation on the ISO rating for the Fire Department during the dinner meeting; stayed at a four. Ted – needs help with the firefighter discount cards, would like the support group to help; Anyone who can help, show up Friday February 7, at 1:00 p.m. at Station One. Shellie mentioned that we have a temporary large freezer in the back room we could use. Already has lasagna in it for emergencies. Members are encouraged to contribute food to the freezer.
VII. Next Meeting Schedule – The next meeting will be held on March 5, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. with dinner preparations before-hand. Everyone is encouraged to come help with the dinner meetings when they can.
VIII. Adjourn- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:19 p.m.